How to Find Muay Thai Gyms?

Find the Right Muay Thai Gym

Finding the right Muay Thai gym to train can be challenging for a number of people. Muay Thai gyms have several common things, while training exercises, instructors/trainers, and techniques may differ. Therefore, finding a good Muay Thai gym should be a priority.

Before we proceed on how to find Muay Thai gyms, let’s look into things to consider.

  • Location

Finding a Muay Thai gym near you is favorable. You do not want to be traveling miles and miles for training. With a gym near you, you can train without many struggles since you hardly miss out on sessions, and you can easily access it. Location is a critical factor.

  • What are your goals?

Why do you want to train in Muay Thai? Is it for self-defense, fitness, recreation purposes, or fighting competitions?

If you have your goals set, then finding a Muay Thai that can accommodate you will be easy. However, most Muay Thai gym accepts anyone who wants to train with any of the above goals.

  • What is your budget?

Most gyms operate on membership packages. Depending on how much you wish to spend, you may get monthly or annual packages that suit you. In many instances, annual plans are way cheaper than monthly subscriptions.

It worth noting that gyms fees differ widely depending on instructors, condition of the gym, reputation, location, and facilities being offered.  However, it does not necessarily mean that gyms with expensive packages have the best training than cheap ones. You might be surprised to find out some small gyms offering effective training and a great experience.

A guide in choosing Muay Thai gyms

After considering the above things we have highlighted, you should now choose a Muay Thai gym suitable for you.

  1. Research on the best Muay Thai gym near you

As outlined earlier, finding a gym near you is one of the best things. However, you might have several gyms offering the services you need; hence you must choose the best.

One way to know the best Muay Thai gym to join is by asking for recommendations from nearby friends, family members, or social media platforms. It also an excellent chance to meet new partners for training.  You can also utilize Google by searching “Muay Thai gym near me.” 

After you have a list of one or more gym(s), be sure to check out their reviews from review sites, their respective websites, and comments of other users on their social media such as Facebook and Instagram.

  • A background check is vital

Assuming you have already selected your preferred gym, do not forget to do a background before signing up.

It will be better if you first watch their training videos on their website or social media. That will give you a scope of how they conduct their training. Also, go further and engage the instructors and inquire about issues that need clarity. Do not forget to ask about their fees if it is not indicated on their platform.

  • Get ready for the trail session

Most gyms offer a trial session to their interested and potential clients. Depending on the gym, it can be free, or they charge a certain fee.

This session is significant since it gives you a basic experience of how your training will be once you sign up. Also, it the right moment for you to look out for the following:

  1. Quality of the training

During your trial session, assess how the instructors deliver their training. Do you feel that the quality of training offered in that particular gym will help you achieve your goals? If NO, try another gym.

  • Overall condition of the gym

Among things to focus on include the condition and adequacy of the equipments and maintenance of the facility.

 A standard gym should observe cleanliness to reduce potential health risks. It should have enough equipments and are in good condition. Also, the floor or mats should not have big holes.

  • Convenience for training

Are the proposed schedule of training sessions convenient for you?

Most of the hours on daytime, you might be attending to your job/business, family, and other important assignments; hence, your availability for training might be constrained. For such reasons, you need a gym with convenient training sessions you can attend according to your availability.

Bottom line

Finding a good Muay Thai gym can profoundly affect your training positively. Also, it even makes you enjoy Muay Thai.

By following and considering the above guide, you will indeed find yourself a good gym to train and attain your goals of training Muay Thai.